Dreyfus is a boutique IP law firm that uses IPzen to manage all its case files and
trademark and domain name portfolios. Nathalie Dreyfus reveals why her firm chose it.
What were your needs when you chose IPzen ?
As a boutique IP law firm, Dreyfus needed software able to create and store files, manage deadlines and with automatic surveillance and watch alerts. Dreyfus has always worked in a close relationship with its clients, so we wanted a collaborative platform allowing easy exchange of information and case follow-up with clients. The platform also had to allow several lawyers to work on the same case files simultaneously and easily share information. Finally, Dreyfus required paperless archives, easily accessible and mostly with a secured access and a protected database.
How does IPzen fulfill these needs ?
As a full web platform, it is easily accessible for both lawyers and clients from anywhere in the world, simply with the login information and an internet connection. The software features deadline tracking for the lawyers and clients who can easily follow-up on the case. It also includes watch results for trademarks, domain names and social networks. To manage the case files more efficiently, choices in data publishing can be made in order to store all the information on IPzen without burying clients in mountains of documents. And, most importantly, this platform offers a secured and protected access to confidential and sensitive data. Our clients trust us with professional secrecy, so our tools should be trustworthy too.
Why choose IPzen ?
The IPzen platform is flexible, responsive and rapid. These characteristics are essential for optimal work and efficient resolution of cases. Another fundamental characteristic of IPzen is its intuitiveness for both lawyers and clients. Indeed, to master the use of the platform, very little training is required. This enables major time and effort savings, which is important in today’s world where everything moves so fast.
What are you main uses of IPzen ?
IPzen allows us to deal with all of our trademark and domain name portfolios, as well as track deadlines and keep watch on what is happening on the internet. The matters management module is an e-management of matters and files. It includes a history of every actions related to files, attachments and deadlines.
The trademark module offers full access to a trademark portfolio. It allows a quick overview of the protection status of a sign as well as welldetailed information on each registered title or current registration information. The domain names module can fully manage domain name portfolios (registrations, renewals, technical settings) while optimising time management through an integrated and user friendly tool. This module offers common registry features, in conjunction with a unique immaterial rights management interface featuring availability search, administrative and technical management, and TLD registration rules.
The agenda module consolidates all deadlines created either automatically by the system (trademark or domain names deadlines) or by users. The agenda module allows the access to all the deadlines created in IPzen and displays only those relevant to the user through a set of filters. Users’ deadlines are also displayed in its dashboard.
The watch module consolidates all the results from the monitoring of trademarks in an easy-to use interface. The following monitoring services are available below:
- Trademark watch worldwide, in a set of selected countries or in a single country.
Trademarks that are detected by the watch may be compared to the trademarks being monitored. Similar classes are redlined and the deadline for opposition relating to the registration of any detected trademark is indicated when available. Alerts can be qualified as relevant or not and are noted for future reference.
- Domain name watch will detect the registration of domain names including or reproducing trademarks. The monitoring service covers the gTLDs (.com), the country-code TLDs (.co.uk, .de, .in) and even the new gTLDs. Alerts can also be qualified as relevant or not for further action, and documented for history.
Social network watch will detect the use of trademarks in one of the following services: Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Instagram, YouTube, Dailymotion, LinkedIn and Viadeo. Other social network services may be added upon request.
- Mobile apps watch will detect the use of trademarks in iOS or Android application names. Relevancy and documenting features are also available.
- Google AdWords watch will detect the use of trademarks as keywords to trigger paid advertising on Google. The watch can be set to a list of predefined countries and/or a list of keywords to be monitored.
Has IPzen become indispensable to your firm ?
The IPzen platform is at the core of our work methods and the relationship with our clients. It is constantly used by our lawyers as well as our clients to share and protect information. It has become our main work tool because it allows us to focus on legal matters rather than administrative tasks of portfolio management. Indeed, clients can easily share instructions and follow cases through the collaborative platform and both lawyers and clients can share deadlines and files. IPzen is a fundamental instrument for our firm and we would be lost without it.