Intellectual property and invoicing – a smart solution

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The IPzen Invoicing Solution – Integrated, Smart, Savvy.

Imagine a docketing system that includes a savvy invoicing solution all in one place, saving you time, money and administrative juggling of tasks .

At IPZen, we have developed a smart invoicing module as part of our overall platform for managing Intellectual Property assets.  The module can be used for all segments or areas of the entire Intellectual Property Management life cycle including Trademarks, Domain Names, IP Watch Services, Copyrights and more.

There are scores of invoicing modules available on the internet but not many Intellectual Property Trademark Management Systems have integrated invoicing into their software platforms.

In this instance, this makes the IPzen invoicing module unique!

Increase Profitability and Save Time With The IPzen Invoicing Solution

At IPzen we realize how invoicing can be a complex process to manage for any business.

This is the main reason why we decided to integrate invoicing as an additional module to compliment the entire IPzen Intellectual Property Management platform.  By creating this module, we have enabled our clients the ability to complete the management of any one files’ life cycle for all types of Intellectual Property assets from beginning to end.

Smart invoicing will significantly benefit your organisation and your clients’ businesses.

The IPzen invoicing solution can automatically calculate the hourly rate and time spent on each client and this is easily consolidated into one invoice.

Our savvy invoicing module is easy-to-use, web-based and has smart, multi-user invoicing features that can innovatively generate a detailed invoice notably outlining all service charges with seamless integration.

Furthermore, as part of the invoicing solution, there is a timer.  When clicking on the timer the system automatically consolidates calculations from the hourly rate and time spent on each client.  Here is a sample of the IPzen invoice module which is also available on our website

With one click, IPzen’s invoicing module has the ability to:

  • Consolidate several cases into a single invoice
  • Manage different invoicing profiles for each client
  • Integrate or insert trademark data automatically into the invoice
  • Send invoices via email directly from the system
  • Track and follow-up payments with color-coded status outlines and
  • Edit any statistics by Client, Lawyer, or Type of Work

With this billing process, you can generate all your invoices in a few clicks and send them directly to your clients via an email and the invoice will present in PDF format

This format of global billing enhances your controls over invoice validation, enabling you to easily monitor amounts invoiced and work remaining to be invoiced. It also allows you to see pre-payments and amounts disbursed. And finally, you will be able to receive alerts to confirm when the invoice has been received by the client and when payment has been made.

Integrated, Smart and Savvy

The IPzen Invoicing Module is a solution where everything associated with each file can be consolidated to ensure you can accurately and effectively invoice your clients seamlessly.  Smart invoicing most certainly and significantly reduces payment cycles and can help to avoid extensive administrative delays.

For more information about IPzen and our Invoicing Module to make your life easier, do not hesitate to reach out to our team

Or visit our website

Designed by IP lawyers for IP professionals, law firms and corporations, IPzen has been developed with the requirements of managing an entire IP rights portfolio in mind. We keep you informed about the modern requirements and challenges of IP portfolio management through articles written by the IPzen team.