
Revolutionizing domain name Surveillance with IPzen’s Advanced Monitoring

In a world where intellectual property becomes the central pillar of business strategies, domain name monitoring is no longer an option but a necessity. IPzen, with its advanced monitoring service, offers a comprehensive solution to protect the most valuable assets … Read More

Révolutionner la Surveillance des Marques parmi les noms de domaine avec le Monitoring Avancé d’IPzen

Dans un monde où la propriété intellectuelle devient le pilier central des stratégies d’entreprise, la surveillance des marques n’est plus une option mais une nécessité. IPzen, grâce à son service de monitoring de noms de domaine avancé, offre une solution … Read More

The advent of the Internet research

Before the arrival of the Internet, in order to search for information, one had to go to a library or try finding a person who would provide the information he or she was looking for. However, with the advent of … Read More

The effects of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union on the WHOIS data base

In May 25, 2018, the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will enter into force and replace the European Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The later is currently the applicable law that harmonizes data privacy laws in the European Union.  Consumers … Read More

Why Start-Ups Need to Prioritise the Protection of Intellectual Property

Owners and managers of start-ups get so caught up in the setting up of their business, they often take their eye off the ball when it comes to intellectual property rights. But as many find to their cost, failing to … Read More

Protecting Your Trademarks Has Never Been Easier, thanks to IPzen’s Watch Services

Protecting a brand from misuse and fraud is a never ending process. There are now several ways in which trademarks and IP rights can be used by fraudsters for financial gain – so it’s important to always be one step … Read More

Protecting Your Trademarks Has Never Been Easier, thanks to IPzen’s Watch Services

Protecting a brand from misuse and fraud is a never ending process. There are now several ways in which trademarks and IP rights can be used by fraudsters for financial gain – so it’s important to always be one step … Read More

Why is it important to watch internationalized domain names?

Internationalized domain names (IDNs) give people around the world the ability to access websites using their local language. It is estimated that there were around 400 million Internet users in 2000. By 2020, there could be more than five billion … Read More

Why is it important to watch internationalized domain names?

Internationalized domain names (IDNs) give people around the world the ability to access websites using their local language. It is estimated that there were around 400 million Internet users in 2000. By 2020, there could be more than five billion … Read More