Cloud Security



IPzen has been designed by trademark lawyers for trademark lawyers, consultants and professionals. IPzen makes the job of managing trademark portfolios easier because we understand trademarks. We know what our clients need and expect from us. Moreover, we believe in … Read More

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IP Trademark Portfolio Management Systems, Digital Automation & The Workplace

Digital transformation and automation across every industry has significantly shifted the environment of how, when and where we work because data and digitally driven business models have become mainstream.   Prior to the Covid pandemic, office work day schedules hummed … Read More

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How the XYZ company wins the auction for the .car, .cars and .auto extensions?

The company XYZ created in 2015 by Daniel Negari, specializing in top level domain names and, more particularly, in the monopoly of the <.xyz> extension, has had  great success since Google announced that it had reserved this extension for the … Read More

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International Trademarks – Samoa, a new member of the Madrid Protocol

Samoa’s membership confirms that the Madrid System and its protocol are major assets for the international protection of the trademarks, offering a convenient and economic solution for trademark owners around the world. The Madrid Protocol comes to in Samoa on … Read More

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Canada: Accession to the Madrid System

Since March 17, 2019, Canada has officially become a member of the Madrid Protocol, the Nice Agreement and the Singapore Treaty. These treaties will be applicable in Canada from 17 June 2019. Following a long process of reform, Canada’s adoption … Read More

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New French Decree on the protection of trade secrets : provisional sequestration of seized documents

French Decree No. 2018-1126 of 11 December 2018 on the protection of trade secrets, enacted in application of Act No. 2018-670 of 30 July 2018 published in the Official Journal on  December 13, 2018 establishes new rules to preserve trade … Read More

Cloud computing: what you need to know, Part. I

It would be foolish not to admit that cloud computing is radically changing the business landscape. Alternatives to the traditional in-house server have been sprouting for years, and now that cloud computing has taken off, one must face the fact … Read More

Five Reasons Why Your Law Firm Should Go Paperless

Five Reasons Why Your Law Firm Should Go Paperless Whether you’re part of a wider team or a solo operator, managing IP and most other forms of legal casework is easier, faster and more efficient with paperless solutions. According to … Read More

How cloud computing is revolutionizing the legal industry

The internet has been changing the way companies do business for 20 years now, and it looks like this trend is set to continue for many years to come. Law firms have been able to completely transform the way they … Read More

Benefits of Developing Collaborative Software with Cloud Technology. Try, IPzen, IP management software in the cloud

Collaborative software has transformed the way intellectual property is managed and protected in recent years. It allows IP lawyers and their clients to work together in protecting a trademark or domain name portfolio from theft and improper use. Cloud technology … Read More